2023 Winners and nominees

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Catalytic Investor of the Year

Winner SAB Foundation, South Africa – funds and supports entrepreneurs, emphasises creating opportunities for women, youth, rural communities and persons with disabilities.
2nd Place Innovation Edge, South Africa
3rd Place FirstRand Foundation, South Africa

Financial Instrument of the Year

Winner Impact Bond Innovation Fund, Standard Bank Tutuwa Community Foundation, South Africa – one of the first social impact bonds transacted in South Africa with a bond aimed at delivering early childhood development outcomes in the Western Cape.
2nd Place 27four Investment Managers, South Africa
3rd Place Rand Merchant Bank, South Africa
4th Place Oryx Impact Fund, Nigeria. 


Impact Accelerator of the Year

Winner LEAP Africa, Nigeria – a social innovators programme that provides skills, resources and connections for young innovators to create lasting solutions to community challenges, such as interventions that help to build sustainable systems and structures; focused on education, agriculture/food security, renewable energy/sustainable environments, education and technology, etc.
2nd Place Capital Solutions Ltd, Uganda
3rd Place TAOTIC, Tanzania

Impact Asset Manager of the Year

Winner Vital Capital, Uganda – identifies overlooked opportunities and builds scalable businesses that transform lives and turn critical challenges associated with the provision of water, food, healthcare and sustainable infrastructure into high-return opportunities that deliver impact at scale.
2nd Place Phatisa, Mauritius
3rd Place AlphaMundi Group, Kenya 

Impact Asset Owner of the Year

Winner Old Mutual, South Africa – pursues long-term risk-adjusted returns for clients while aligning with the broader interests of society and addressing long-term systemic risk; drives real-world outcomes in the form of impact.
2nd Place Impact For Africa S.p.A., Rwanda/Namibia
3rd Place Venture Capital Trust Fund, Ghana

Impact Fund of the Year

Winner Yunus Social Business, Kenya – finances and grows social businesses to end poverty and the climate crisis; provides flexible loans and hands-on growth support to social businesses and reinvests the capital; provides debt capital at concessionary rates in local currency and USD to social businesses.
2nd Place Alitheia Capital, Nigeria
3rd Place Jaza Rift Ventures, Kenya

Impact Market Builder of the Year

Winner IBIS Consulting, South Africa – helps clients achieve their impact goals through an integrated approach to impact investing advisory and support; maximises the impact created by clients by providing customised solutions and leveraging best practice methodologies and frameworks.
2nd Place Impact Investing Ghana, Ghana
2nd Place Data Innovators, South Africa
3rd Place Prospero, Zambia

Outstanding Individual Achievement of the Year

Winner Evelyne Dioh, WIC Capital, Senegal – fund manager and managing director of WIC Capital, the first investment fund in West Africa that exclusively targets women-led small and growing businesses to unlock their full potential.
2nd Place Zanele Twala & Justin Prozesky, Standard Bank Tutuwa Community Foundation, South Africa
3rd Place Gwendolyn Zorn, Phatisa, Mauritius
4th Place Uche Kenneth Udekwe, Natal Cares, Nigeria


Project Developer of the Year

Winner eha Impact Ventures, Nigeria – philanthropic impact investor that supports early stage, high-impact, women-led businesses in Africa.
2nd Place Impact For Africa S.p.A., Rwanda/Namibia
3rd Place Food Enterprise Solutions, Senegal


Social Entrepreneur of the Year

Winner Lumkani, South Africa – insuretech company dealing with the challenge of informal settlement fires through risk-reducing technology and affordability; developer of an award-winning fire detection system.
2nd Place llard Health, Kenya
3rd Place AbuErdan, Egypt
4th Place Yebo Fresh, South Africa


Special Consideration Award

Winner XSML Capital, Democratic Republic of Congo – partners in growth for entrepreneurs in frontier markets in Africa; provides expertise, network and bespoke financing to nurture local talent and bring durable and fair prosperity to under-served markets; since 2010 has invested in SMEs in challenging markets;  invested in more than 70 enterprises and covered assets of $159 million.
The Krutham Africa Impact Investment Awards

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