Frequently Asked Questions

Home ยป Frequently Asked Questions
  1. Can I self-nominate for more than one award?
    Yes. When you complete the nomination form you will be asked if you would like to submit a nomination for more than one award.
  2. Can I nominate someone else?
    Yes. You can simply share the nomination form with them. The link can be found here.
  3. When is the closing date for nominations?
    Nominations close on 7 April. The winners will be announced in July 2024 at a gala dinner event in Nairobi, Kenya
  4. Do I have to be based in Africa to submit a nomination?
    Nominees can be registered in any African country, headquartered on the continent, or only have operations in one of the countries on the continent to qualify. We welcome investors across asset classes and across impact sectors which operate anywhere in Africa.
  5. How will I know if my nomination was successful?
    Shortlisted nominees will be notified before the end of May
  6. When will the winners be announced?
    Winners will be announced in Q2 2024.
  7. Where and when will the awards take place?
    The awards will be hosted online.